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Doggie Detail

A Green Choice for Pet Waste Disposal!

Updated: Sep 26, 2021

Environmentally sustainable pet waste disposal practices are very important to us at Doggie Detail. For years we’ve been searching for a better way to line our buckets to avoid using plastic. We are excited to announce that we’ve found a solution and have gone even greener! Over the past few months, our Curbside Collection customers may have noticed that their buckets are lined with a new type of bag (the new bag is black instead of white). What customers may not know is that these new bags are biodegradable! Black, biodegradable bags are now used to line all of our buckets. In addition to being Eco-friendly, these bags are stronger and they do not leak. The biodegradable bags are here to stay! Pet Waste Disposal: We Care About Being Green People sign up for Doggie Detail’s Curbside Collection service because they care about the environment. They know that being a responsible pet owner involves proper pet waste disposal, not sneaking pet waste into the garbage can (which is much more damaging to the environment than most people realize). We value our customers’ commitment to keeping our planet healthy and will continue to do our part by making changes as new, Eco-friendly alternatives arise.

The owners of Doggie Detail are continually researching pet waste disposal options and have discovered significant dangers involved with putting dog waste into the garbage. In the coming months, Doggie Detail will be putting together an educational campaign to make people aware that sneaking dog waste into the garbage is not without consequence!

Help us spread the word that sneaking dog waste in the garbage is NOT okay! Responsible pet owners deal with pet waste the right way!

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